This study investigated the effects of brainstorming counselling technique on low self-esteem of secondary school students in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria. The quasi experimental, pre-test, post-test control design guided the study. Three research questions and three null hypotheses were formulated. The population of the study comprised all the JSS III students in the two randomly selected public schools in Kaduna North Local Government Area. The sample was made up of 24 respondents who were assigned to two groups: treatment group with Brainstorming Counselling Technique (BCT) and the control group. Purposive sampling was used in selecting students with low selfesteem for this research. The instrument used to measure the self-esteem of students was Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale Questionnaire developed by Rosenberg (1965), and this was given to all the students and those that scored less than ten (10) constitute the subjects for this study. Data were analysed using percentages, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results showed that there is significant effect of BCT on low self-esteem among secondary school students exposed to brainstorming treatment compared to the control group (t= 3.78, p= 0.000); there is significant effect of BCT on self-esteem level among male and female respondents in the treatment group (t= 2.12, p= 0.00); male respondents were found to have higher self-esteem. There is significant effect of BCT on self-esteem level among respondents of different age bracket in the treatment group (t= 2.94, p = .000); respondents in upper age bracket were found to have higher self-esteem. Based on these findings, the study recommends among other things that school psychologists and counsellors adopt brainstorming counselling technique as a corrective measures in improving the self-esteem of secondary school students; it was recommendedthat more attention should be paid to the secondary school girls as well as the adolescents in their early teens as they are more proned to low self-esteem and that school and the classroom teachers should take a critical selfesteem assessment of the students from time to time (periodically) as they grow up with the use of RSE Scale to discover those students with self-esteem problems promptly and possibly apply brainstorming technique to solve their problems.